Community Meeting 2010

Community Meeting on a Future Vision for COSEE and Ocean Sciences Education

Click here (PDF, 4.9 MB) to download the 2010 Community Meeting Report.

On November 3-4, 2010 the Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence held a Community Meeting to elicit broad community input on a future vision for COSEE or its successor program. The Meeting Agenda and Meeting Talking Points can be accessed here:

Community Meeting Agenda (Word, 47 KB)
Community Meeting Talking Points (Word, 48 KB)

What is COSEE? COSEE is a national Network of distributed centers that integrates ocean sciences research and education ( As its tenth year of funding approaches, the National Science Foundation (NSF) will assess the Network’s progress and future funding potential in an upcoming Decadal Review process.

What was the goal of the Community Meeting? To explore broadly a future vision for the next decade of NSF ocean sciences education that builds on existing capabilities and strengths, while capitalizing on opportunities afforded by the rapidly advancing ocean sciences research and science education enterprises. The vision must emphasize the NSF commitment to the integration of ocean sciences research and education, and to catalyzing and sustaining collaborations between ocean science researchers and science educators. The meeting outcomes will include a set of far-reaching, strategic recommendations for COSEE's role in achieving the vision that builds on the programs, Network capabilities, and infrastructure of the National COSEE Network; emerging cyberinfrastructure for research and education; and proven effective practices and programs of the larger ocean sciences and STEM education communities.

What were the overarching questions being posed at the meeting?
(Please note that detailed questions are available in the document links above.)

Wednesday, Nov. 3rd

  • How can contemporary, consensus perspectives on science learning and teaching (learning insights, design principles, theoretical perspectives) be leveraged to better integrate ocean sciences research and education, and advance ocean sciences literacy?
  • How can the capabilities of selected, relevant cyberinfrastructures and/or the concept of a virtual community be leveraged to further the goal of integrating ocean sciences research and education?
  • What approaches can be used to best support education and outreach at the leading edge of ocean sciences research?
  • In the overall science education landscape of the future, what is the optimal position for NSF-supported ocean sciences education?

Thursday, Nov. 4th

  • Moving forward, what is our overall vision and strategy for making significant advances in the integration of ocean sciences research and education in the next decade? What are the highest priorities and key recommendations that will support achieving this vision?
Workshop Steering Committee Members
Cheryl Peach, University of California, San Diego (Chair)
Phil Bell, University of Washington
Annette deCharon, University of Maine
Danny Edelson, National Geographic Society
Carroll Hood, Raytheon
Janice McDonnell, Rutgers University
Cathy Manduca, Carleton College
Don Reed, San Jose State University
Brian Smith, Rhode Island School of Design

Gail Scowcroft, University of Rhode Island (COSEE Executive Director)
Sarah Schoedinger (NOAA)

Download the meeting announcement: Community Meeting Announcement (Word, 34 KB).
View the Vision Papers.