NMEA 2013

NMEA 2013: Sea the Gulf, Join the Roux
July 22-26, 2013
Mobile, Alabama

COSEE Sessions to Attend


New to NMEA?
8:45 am - Quinlan Hall, Room 329
Jim Wharton (COSEE OLC), Diana Payne (COSEE TEK), Craig Strang (COSEE CA)

Are you new to NMEA? Wondering exactly what we are all about? Since the early 1970’s, NMEA has been “where people representing all aspects of marine education get together to discuss common [ideas and concerns in the field], and share expertise, resources and experience.” (NMEA conference flier, 1976). Come meet the current NMEA leadership, learn what is new with the organization and how you can become more involved!


Social Media 1.0: Leveraging Tweets, Posts, Circles, and Check-Ins for Marine Science Education
9:30 am - Quinlan Hall, Room 229
Jim Wharton (COSEE OLC)

Reprising our popular 2012 session, this introductory social media how-to will take you from hashtags to check-ins to learn from the inside out how social media provides a rich opportunity for marine science education. We’ll practice tools and techniques that can be implemented on any scale at any organization with strategic time investment. Whether you’re a new ‘friend’ or a seasoned #pro, we invite you along – live tweeting will be encouraged!

Mission Complete: Integrating STEM Disciplines and Inquiry
9:30 am - Quinlan Hall, Room 225
Angela Bliss and Elizabeth Bell (COSEE Southeast)

From eBOBs (elementary Basic Observation Buoys) to ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles for elementary students), COSEE SE has been busy piloting the next phase: STEM based tools in GA and SC for 3rd - 5th grade. Come join us for a glimpse into ROVs with introductory lessons followed by the opportunity to design & construct ROVs to complete a mission. Will your ROVs successfully complete the mission? One lucky participant will take away their own ROVs to incorporate into their classroom or educational programming.

Social Media 2.0: How to Use Analytics, Tracking, and Audience Research Data to Make a Difference
11:00 am - Quinlan Hall, Room 229
Jim Wharton (COSEE OLC)

Now that you have mastered the basics, come learn (or share) how to apply the vital analytics, research and trends available with social media. What good are QR codes? How are you targeting specific audiences and tracking your impact? Do you have an army of fans or are you derailed by trolls? We’ll discuss the latest research and trends to follow in this ever-changing field to truly design and evaluate impact on marine science education using social media.

Applying Community-Based Participatory Research in Ocean Science Education
2:00 pm - Yenni Hall, Room 104
Judy Lemus (COSEE IE)

Community-Based Participatory Research (CPBR) is an approach applied by social researchers to public health issues, especially in disenfranchised communities. This session will introduce the principles of CBPR and explore how this approach can be effectively adapted for place- and culture- based public science engagement and education. Examples of CBPR employed in Hawaii toward ocean science literacy will presented.

Process Evaluation of an Ocean Science and Technology Institute for Minority Participants
2:45 pm - Yenni Hall, Room 107
Diana Payne (COSEE TEK)

COSEE-TEK hosted an Ocean Science and Technology Institute (OSTI) for undergraduate students from a Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation program. The focus was to provide: 1) exposure to careers in ocean science and technology, 2) an overview of acoustics and ROVs, and 3) a hands-on experience with ocean technologies. Process monitoring and results will be shared.

Changes in Ocean Scientist Education and Outreach as a Result of Participation in COSEE
4:00 pm - Yenni Hall, Room 107
Diana Payne (COSEE TEK), Andrea Anderson (COSEE OLC and COSEE Alaska), Patricia Kwon (COSEE West)

COSEE network evaluators conducted a series of exploratory studies in 2010 and 2012, and found changes in ocean scientist’s professional capacities (research, teaching, and education & outreach [E&O]) as a result of the scientists working with educators and learners to broaden the impact of their scientific research. Specific results of the studies, limitations, and next steps will be presented.


Ocean Literacy and Next Generation Science Standards
8:30 am - Quinlan Hall, Room 229
Craig Strang, Catherine Halversen, Peter Tuddenham, Lynn Tran (COSEE CA), Lynn Whitley (COSEE West), Diana Payne (COSEE TEK), Sarah Schoedinger (NOAA), Sarah Wilson (One World One Ocean Foundation), Scott Carley (College of Exploration)

Ocean Sciences plays a new, more prominent role in the recently released Next Generation Science Standards. The Ocean Literacy brochure describing the Essential Principles has been revised and updated. Marine educators now play a more important role than ever in helping teachers achieve the ambitious new standards. Come find out about these important events and how Ocean Literacy has come of age.

Sea Level Activity
9:30 am - Yenni Hall, Room 206
Lisa Lawrence (COSEE NOW)

Join us for a classroom activity that explores sea level rise. Access real online scientific data from ocean observing systems to investigate and compare long-term changes in sea level from different coastal locations around the United States including the Gulf of Mexico. Brought to you by the Bridge and the Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence Networked Ocean World (COSEE NOW).

Broadening Impacts, Brokering Relationships: COSEE Florida’s Ocean Science Learning Network
3:00 pm - Quinlin Hall, Room 325
Laura Diederick (COSEE FL)

NSF elevated the role of broader impacts (BI) in the evaluation of proposed research in its updated Grants Proposal Guide (Oct 2012). COSEE Florida and its Ocean Science Learning Network is well-positioned to assist ocean scientists looking to enhance their BI activities. This session will highlight the BI-related changes made by NSF and discuss the activities COSEE Florida has taken to provide scientists assistance.

Professional Development Partnerships, Ocean Sciences, and Charter School Science Instruction
4:00 pm - Quinlan Hall, Room 227
Lynn Whitley (COSEE West)

Charter schools, education professionals and marine science researchers collaborated to use ocean sciences to improve science literacy and science education in local charter schools. Hear results of Calif. Math Science Partnership research grant to see if and how LA Charter School Science Partnership increased student science achievement, teacher content knowledge and instructional strategies.