Survival in the Water


Part 1: Understanding Concepts of Survival in the Water


  1. For the students to understand the general concepts of survival in the water.
  2. For the students to learn about survival in the water from clips from the movie A Night To Remember.
  3. For the students to participate in class discussion on survival in the water, in relation to previous academic learning and real-life experiences.


  1. The movie A Night To Remember
  2. Background information on survival in the water

Time Frame: Approximately 1.5 hours



  1. The students will gain a general understanding of survival in the water. (Criteria forsuccess = Class discussion is mainly produced from student participation).
  2. Visual learning to add to student's overall understanding of survival in the water. (Criteria for success = Students are responsive to movie and to teacher'squestions).
  3. Relating previous learning and real-life experiences with survival in the water. (Criteria for success = X% of students participate in discussion, and discussion growswithout much teacher involvement). -A rubric may need to be developed for this assessment depending on how classdiscussion normally goes. Each rubric will be different for each classroom. -Teacher can refer to Observation Rubric.

Possible Extensions:

  1. Including appropriate parts, that relate to survival in the water, from the novel SOS Titanic, by Eve Bunting.

Curricular Connections:
Language Arts - Students will learn orally from their peers about survival in the water.
Science - Students will gain knowledge about the scientific aspects in survival in
the water.

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Survival developed by David Didier, Justin Brandt, Travis Glandt, and Steve Raethz for the St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program