Survival in the Water  

Part 2:  Life Saving Techniques


  1. For the students to understand the importance of life-saving techniques.
  2. For the students to gain further information and knowledge on life-saving techniques through library research.
  3. For the students to demonstrate at least a portion of a life-saving technique.
  1. Library resources
  2. The teacher will want to have background information on life-saving techniques
Time Frame: Approximately 1.5 hours


Assessment: Possible Extensions:
  1. Acting out life-saving techniques to other classrooms outside of their own.
  2. Create a "choose your own" story where the reader has to make the proper choices to save the character/characters lives.
Curricular Connections:
  1. Language Arts - The students will read, research, and write about lifesaving techniques using library resources.
  2. History - The students will research the history of life-saving techniques.

Go To "Survival in the Water" Part 3:  Worksheet & Puzzle

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Survival developed by David Didier, Justin Brandt, Travis Glandt, and Steve Raethz for the St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program