Part 1: Field Trip to a Museum

Museum guide sheet
Writing utensils
School bus
Museum tour guide

1. Allow students to view different types of museum displays.

Approximately 5 hours, 15 minutes.

1. Explain to students that they will be going on a field trip to a museum to view examples of displays.Ý The night
ÝÝbefore the trip, have each student write down 2-3 questions they would like to ask a museum employee.
2. Sample estimated timetable:
ÝÝÝ 9:00 a.m.    Arrive at school
ÝÝÝ 9:10 a.m.    Pass out museum worksheets to be completed during the trip
ÝÝÝ 9:15 a.m.    Sign-up for mini tour groups for free exploration of museum
ÝÝÝ 9:30 a.m.    Board buses and depart for museum
ÝÝÝ 10:00 a.m.  Arrive at museum
ÝÝÝ 10:15 a.m.  Introduction to tour guide and museum
ÝÝÝ 10:30 a.m.  Begin tour
ÝÝÝ 12:00 p.m.  Lunch
ÝÝÝ 12:30 p.m.  Free exploration with mini tour groups
ÝÝÝ 1:30 p.m.    Meet at designated area and board buses
ÝÝÝ 1:45 p.m.    Depart for school
ÝÝÝ 2:15 p.m.    Arrive back at school
3. Journal Activity (See Journal Lesson).

1. Each student will hand in their museum guide sheet.Ý (Criteria for success: Completed guide sheet with high quality
ÝÝ answers.Ý See Quality Rubric.)

Major Concepts
1. Art - display and design
2. Language Arts - critical writing, journal writing

1. Create a collage of favorite museum exhibits.
2. Take a virtual tour of a museum on the Internet.
3. Write an essay on ìIf you could own your own museum, what types of displays would you have in it?î

Go To Part 2: Research and Design

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Submitted by St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program