Ý Part 2: Research and Design


1. Familiarize students with the basic elements of research.
2. Introduce the importance of planning.

Pens and paper
Research materials

ÝÝÝ **  possible topic sites:
Survival at Sea (general)--

ÝÝ http://law.agps.gov.au/html/sasact/0/197/0/SA000180.htm

ocean storms--
ÝÝ http://www.usatoday.com/weather/whur0.htm
ÝÝ http://www.solar.ifa.hawaii.edu/Tropical/tropical.html

lost cities (Atlantis)--
ÝÝ http://sacam.oren.ortn.edu/%7Ejcbarker/atlantis.htm
CPR/first aid--
ÝÝ http://weber.u.washington.edu/%7Egingy/cpr.html

Approximately 2 hours

1.Ý Have students brainstorm and write down several topics related to survival at sea.
2.Ý As a class, create a concept map of topic ideas, starting with ìSurvival At Seaî in the middle and connecting all
ÝÝÝrelated topics you and the students can think of.
3.Ý Have the students choose 3 to 5 topics they would be interested in learning more about.
4.Ý Bring students to the school library or media center.
5.Ý Explain how to use the different methods of research, such as the Internet, card catalog, reference materials, and
ÝÝÝany other research sources available.
6.Ý Allow students time to research their topics on the Internet ** and other reference sources.Ý Have them write down
ÝÝÝ information they find.
7.Ý Have students choose 2 or 3 topics they want to use for their museum display.
8.Ý Form about 7 to 10 groups of students and give them time to choose one topic together (groups can be formed
ÝÝÝ according to topic interest by the teacher, according to topic interest by the students, or students can choose their
ÝÝÝ group first and then choose a topic).
9.Ý Assign a take-home essay (to be turned in at the time of the presentations) about 1-2 pages long, discussing any
ÝÝÝÝidea the student discovered through his/her research that he/she found interesting, and why.
10. Allow students time to begin planning their museum display.Ý Encourage students to incorporate several senses into
ÝÝÝ their displays, such as sight, sound, taste, and touch using things such as video, CD-ROM, audio tapes, etc.
ÝÝÝ (Display size can vary depending upon the amount of space available in the classroom or school.Ý Recommended
ÝÝÝ size: approximately 6 ft x 6 ft x 6 ft).

1. Each team will hand in their topic choice along with some information they found from their preliminary research.Ý
ÝÝ (Criteria for success: a topic is chosen along with accurate supporting information.)
2. Each team will hand in the preliminary plans for their museum display.Ý (Criteria for success: each team has a raw
ÝÝ plan completed.Ý See Quality Rubric.)

Major Concepts
1. Social Studies - in depth information on a topic of survival skills
2. Language Arts - communication and teamwork skills
3. Art - (preliminary) display design

1. Create an outline of research findings.
2. Create a collage of the museum plan.

Go To Part 3: Team Roles

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Submitted By St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program