Survival on a Ship 

Part 6: Mapping and Navigation


  1. For the teacher to introduce mapping and navigation.
  2. For the students to work effectively in groups of 4 to complete a mappingactivity.
Resources: Time Frame: Approximately 3 hours


  1. Each group will assess the accuracy of their own treasure map (Criteriaforsuccess = Each group will hand in a treasure map with accurate distances and directions)
  2. Working effectively in groups (Criteria for success = all members of the group contribute to the completion of the treasure map)
Possible Extensions:
  1. Making the treasure map activity into a class competition, where the most difficult, yet accurate, treasure map wins that group a prize.
Curricular Connections:
Math-- Calculating distances
Art-- The students will be creating and constructing their own map as theydesire.

Go Back To "Survival on a Ship" Part 5: Using Library Resources

Go To "Survival on a Ship" Part 7: Problem Solving

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Survival developed by:  David Didier, Justin Brandt, Travis Glandt, and Steve Raethz for the St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program