Survival on a Ship 

Part 5: Using Library Resources


  1. To introduce an efficient manner of researching and the importance of using library resources.
  1. Library resources
Time Frame: 1 hour


  1. The students will be taken to the library.
  2. The teacher will introduce the librarian to the students.
  3. The librarian will explain what the students are going to learn about and why it is important to have an understanding of the library resources.
  4. The teacher will ask the students if they have any questions about the library or library resources.
  5. The students should use the remaining time to become acquainted with the library resources.
  1. Understanding the efficiency and importance of library resources (Criteria for success = Students are able to locate and use library resources on their own.)
Curricular Connections:
  1. History-- Research tools, geography, map reading.
  2. Language Arts-- A variety of literature reading

Go Back To "Survival on a Ship" Part 4: Literature Circle

Go To "Survival on a Ship" Part 6: Mapping and Navigation

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Survival developed by: David Didier, Justin Brandt, Travis Glandt, and Steve Raethz for the St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program