Survival on a Ship

Part 7:  Problem Solving


  1. To practice problem solving and analytical skills.
  2. For students to practice specific math skills (i.e. division, fractions, etc.).
  1. Multiple copies of the worksheet.
  2. Pen and paper
  3. Possibly a calculator
Time frame:  Approximately forty-five minutes to one hour.


  1. The students will be instructed to use the shopping guide given to buy varying quantities of various goods. There will be set minimums as far as food and equipment are concerned. Also, there will be maximums as far as finances and total weight of materials purchased is concerned. The students must show all of their work.
  2. The students will individually complete their work sheets.
  1. The teacher will review each worksheet looking at the students equations shown. Each error made will be marked off.  (Criteria for success = X% or better in relation to mistakes made against problems tried.)
Possible Extensions:
  1. The students could be asked to explain their rationale for choosing what they did to the rest of the class.
  2. The students could discuss amongst themselves what purchases they think would or would not be wise choices.
Curricular Connections:      

Go Back To "Survival on a Ship" Part 6: Mapping and Navigation

Go To "Survival on a Ship" Part 8:  Writing Exercise

Go To Table of Contents

Survival developed by:  David Didier, Justin Brandt, Travis Glandt, and Steve Raethz for the St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program