Survival on Land

Part 1: Understanding Aspects of Survival on Land


  1. For the students to understand the important aspects of survival on land.
  2. For the students to gain further learning about survival on land from the movie SwissFamily Robinson.
  3. For the students to participate in a class discussion on survival on land.
1) The movie Swiss Family Robinson (Walt Disney Productions)
2) Pen and paper

Time Frame: Approximately 3 hours


  1. The students will have an understanding of the important aspects of survival on land. (Criteria for success = Participation in class discussion flows smoothly without muchteacher involvement).
  2. Visual learning through the movie Swiss Family Robinson. (Criteria for success = Refer to Movie and Participation Rubric).
  3. Participation in class discussion on survival on land. (Criteria for success = Refer to Movie and Participation Rubric).
Possible Extensions:
  1. Have students write down any other television shows that have included aspects of survival on land.
Curricular Connections:
  1. Language Arts - Visual learning from the movie, communication with teachers and peers.

Go To "Survival on Land" Part 2: Creative Projects

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Survival developed by: David Didier, Justin Brandt, Travis Glandt, and Steve Raethz for the St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program