Survival on Land 

Part 2:  Creative Projects


  1. Final Creative Project
  2. Pen and Paper
Time Frame:  Approximately 3 hours


  1. The teacher will inform the students that they can use the remaining time to work on their final projects.
  2. The students will use the time to ask questions about their final project, or just work on their projects.
  3. The students may use library and computer resources for research.
  4. The teacher should walk around to monitor progress of final projects, and answer questions.
  1. The students will use the time to work on their final projects, or have questions answered.  (Criteria for success = The students are staying on the task at hand).
Possible Extensions:
  1. The groups may use other areas of the school to practice their presentations.
Curricular Connections:
  1. Language Arts - The students will be communicating with peers.

Go To "Survival on Land" Part 3:  Reflective Essay

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Survival developed by:  David Didier, Justin Brandt, Travis Glandt, and Steve Raethz for the St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program