Survival on a Ship 

Part 1: Understanding Survival On A Ship


  1. For the students to understand survival on a ship
  2. For the students to learn about survival on a ship from watching the movie Waterworld.
  3. For the teacher to promote a discussion of survival on a ship in relation to Timothy of the Cay and Waterworld.
  4. For the teacher to provide students with a foundation for researching andlearning about survival on a ship.

  1. Multiple copies of Timothy of the Cay by Theodore Taylor (1993, Avon Books, Pub.)
  2. The movie Waterworld (Touchstone Pictures, 1995)

Time frame: Approximately 3 hours


  1. The students will gain a general understanding of survival on a ship. (Criteria for success = Class discussion is mainly produced from overall student participation.)
  2. Visual learning to add to the student's understanding of survival on a ship. (Criteria for success = Students responsive to the movie and to the teacher'squestions.)
  3. Participation in discussion of survival on a ship in Timothy of the Cayand Waterworld should be an indication of the students' interest level. (Criteria for success = The more participation will indicate a higher interestlevel.)
  4. Students have begun to learn about survival on a ship.
Possible Extensions:
  1. Discussion of other movies or television shows that have events of survival on a ship.
    1. i.e. White Squall, A Night to Remember
  2. Taking a rafting field trip
Curricular Connections:
Language Arts-- Citing specific events in the novel that relate to survival on aship, communicating with others in the group and in the class.

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Survival developed by: David Didier, Justin brandt, Travis Glandt, and Steve Raethz for the St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program