

1. Students are given the freedom to demonstrate their personal creativity.

2. Students develop the skills necessary to produce an affective advertisement.

3. Students demonstrate money management skills learned in previous lessons.


1. Magazines, Newspapers, Pamphlets, Videos, and any other examples of advertising.

2. T.V. and VCR.

3. Scissors, Construction paper, markers, glue, and other art supplies. (Cardboard, Poster board, Cameras must be provided from students' homes.)


The lesson will take 2 1/2 hrs. to 4 hrs.


Step 1 Show students different forms of advertising, and have them give their reaction.

Step 2 Have the students discuss the different forms of advertising by giving examples of advertisements they saw that day or the day before.

Step 3 Have students move into their "Shipping Businesses", and discuss what type of advertising they would like to do.

Step 4 After the students have had enough time to come up with a few ideas, explain the budget.

A. Teams will research the actual cost of advertising (library).

B. Each "business" will be given an advertising budget.

C. It is the job of the book keeper and the advertising executive to keep track of money spent.

D. Explain how much each form of advertising will cost.

1. Newspaper/Magazine (Cost have not yet been determined)

2. Billboard

3. TV Commercial

4. Radio Commercial

E. Students must not go over budget. If they do the money will be taken out of their actual shipping budget.

F. Budget will be turned in after the advertisement is presented.

Step 5 If students are unable to complete their project time will be provided later.

Step 6 Students will present their completed advertisement to the entire class.(They may decide the style in which this is done.)

Step 7 Students will describe the personal work put into their "business's" advertisement in their journals.


1. Students must turn in an accurate budget. (Criteria for success: The Budget must be 100% accurate, in order to receive no reduction in shipping budget.)

2. Students will give a presentation and submit an ad. (Criteria for success: An advertisement and presentation is completed. What is being advertised is effectively described. See attached rubric.)

3. Students will write in their journals. (Criteria for success: The entry must explains the student's involvement in preparing the advertisement and presentation, and follow the journal rubric.)

Curricular Strands and Major Concepts:

1. Math: Keeping track of a budget.

2. Art: Creating a advertisement and presentation.

3. Social Studies: Learn about the different forms of advertising.

4. Language arts: Presenting to the class an effective advertisement.

Possible Extensions:

1. Investigate the history of advertising.

2. Discuss the First Amendment.

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