
3 Advertisement is well placed, colorful, and size is appropriate.

2 Advertisement is lacking in one of the above areas.

1 Advertisement lacks two or three of the above areas.



3. Advertisement displays shipping business clearly and consciencly. (You know what is being advertised.)

2. Advertisement is slightly unclear of what is being advertised and is somewhat lengthy.

1. Advertisement is very unclear of what is being advertised and is very lengthy. (You can not tell what is being advertised.)



3. Advertisement is based on original ideas or the ideas of others which have been revised.

2. Parts of the advertisement are based on original ideas or ideas of others which have been revised

1. Advertisements reflect no original ideas.


Volume (Radio and T.V.)

3. The volume of the advertisement fits the scene appropriately. (Used expression in their voices, loud and soft.)

2. Some sections of the advertisement fit the scene appropriately. (Used some expression in their voices.)

1 Most of the advertisement did not fit the scene appropriately. (Used no expression or inappropriate expression.)


Clarity of Voice (Radio and T.V.)

3 Entire advertisement was clear, concise and well articulated. Easy to understand.

2 Parts of the advertisement were clear, concise and well articulated.

1 None of the advertisement was clear, concise or well articulated. Hard to understand.

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