Journal Rubric

To receive a grade of "Captain" or level 1 students will need to:

-answer all journal entries completely, addressing all parts of the question

-work must be neat, few spelling errors (less then 5) and correct grammar

-work must show time spent on thought and reflection, as well as understanding of the subject or topic being discussed

-must use at least three new vocabulary words in answers that apply.


To receive a grade of "First Mate" or level 2 students will need to:

-answer all entries but not complete or some entries are missing (2 or 3)

-work must be neat, spelling errors no more than 8, grammar errors no more than 1 or 2

-show some thought and reflection, understands topic, little shaky on details

-uses 1-2 new vocabulary words to answers that apply


To receive a grade of "Land Lubber" or level 3 students need to:

-more than 3 entries are missing, the ones present are incomplete

-unreadable, spelling errors more than 10, more than 2 grammar errors

-shows very little thought and reflection, does not understand subject or topic

-uses zero new vocabulary words


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