Part 6: Official Presentation

1. Give teams the opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of the topic choice through oral presentation.
2. Allow individual students to share their contribution to the overall project.
3. Demonstrate writing skills as well as a new-found interest in the topic choice.

Each team's display

Approximately 2 hours

1. Collect individual take-home essays (assigned in Part 2).
2. Each team will gather in front of the rest of the class and “unveil” their display.
3. Each team should explain their topic and how each part of the display fits into that topic.  All forms of video, audio,
   or other media should be demonstrated to the class.
4. Each student will individually explain how they contributed to the display, including the soft sculpture and his/her
   team role.

1. Each team's presentation of their display.  (Criteria for success: Teams demonstrate all media and thoroughly
   explain their topic along with how each part of their display exemplifies the topic.)
2. Each student's explanation of his/her contribution to the display.  (Criteria for success: Several contributions are
   discussed along with presentation of the soft sculpture and discussion of his/her team role.)
3. Individual essays.  (Criteria for success: The essay is 1-2 pages long with proper grammatical formation and contains
   at least three things the student found interesting about the group's topic choice.  See Rubric for Assessment of

Major Concepts
1. Language arts - presentation and speech
2. Social studies - in depth learning of several topics of survival on the sea

1. Evaluate other teams’ displays.

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Submitted By St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program