CDP Lesson on the Galapagos Islands

Mathematical Ocean #2

Age Level: Middle School

Time: 1 Hour

Content Area: Math, Language Arts

Concepts: Graphing, Conversions of metric and standard, averaging, fractions


Objective:This lesson was created so that the students are exposed to creating bar graphs and the sort of information that is contained within them. Students will also be exposed to fractions and converting given totals from metric to standard, or vice versa.

Procedure: From the information that the students have gathered, have the students find out the height and weight of their specific animal. From that information, have the students list their information. The students (in their groups)should then find the average weight and height from the class list of animals, and then have them compare their animals weight and height to that of the classes average animal weight and height in the form of fractions. Students may also create a bar graph from the information that the class has listed pertaining to the height and weight of their animals.


