Ocean Floor Properties and Near Shore Environments


  1. Explore and model the characteristics of the ocean floor and near shore environments through in-class demonstrations, laboratory activities, and internet research.
  2. Use classroom materials to research the characteristics of the ocean floor and report this information to the class.
  3. Create a model of a continental margin and use this model to demonstrate ocean processes (tides, waves, sedimentation, etc.)
  4. Document laboratory procedures and observations and document internet research in  a lab write-up (suggested format is provided).
  5. Write a descriptive paper, in the voice of Timothy talking to blind Philip (from the novels The Cay and Timothy of the Cay), regarding ocean floor characteristics and near shore environments.


  1. Some ideas from this lesson plan were modified from Chapter 22 of the following resource:
      Alexander, Peter, et.al., Earth Science, Teacher Edition.  Morristown:  Silver  Burdett Company, 1987
  2. The following internet site:  http://metosrv2.umd.edu/~owen/EARTHCAST/BUTTONS21/buttons21.html
  3. Multiple copies of the following (one for each student):
      Taylor, Theodore.  The Cay.  New York:  Avon, 1969.
      Taylor, Theodore.  Timothy of the Cay.  New York:  Avon, 1993.


  1. Each group of students needs the following:
      large (approx. 2í x 2í or larger) rectangular or square transparent basin (plastic  or glass)
      modeling clay
      sea salt (or table salt if this is not available)
      cementing agent (plaster of paris or powdered clay)
      empty milk carton
      lab write-up worksheet




  1. Observation of studentsí participation in classroom demonstrations, laboratory activities, internet research, and group activities.  (Criteria for success =  students are actively engaged and work cooperatively with one another and the teacher.  See attached Rubric A)
  2. Groups present the  information obtained through research regarding the characteristics of continental margins and the ocean basin floor.  (Criteria for success = presentations are clear to understand, are accurate, and display a clear understanding of continental margins and the ocean basin floor.  See attached Rubric B)
  3. Groups complete models of continental margins.  (Criteria for success = models are well constructed and accurately portray a continental margin.  See attached Rubric C)
  4. Students hand in lab write-ups of their activities and observations. (Criteria for success = lab write-ups are well-written, neat, contain accurate information, and display a clear understanding of lab activities and internet research.  See Rubric D)
  5. Each group turns in their descriptive papers.  (Criteria for success =  papers are creative, well-written, accurate, and display a clear understanding of ocean floor environments.  See attached Rubric E)

Curricular Strands and Related Concepts:

  1. Language Arts:   lab write up, cooperative group work, presentation of information to the class, descriptive paper
  2. Science:   ocean floor characteristics
  3. Math:   measurements of the waves, geometric spatial relationships used during   model building

Possible Extensions:

  1. Students research for the different types of life forms that live in tidal flats and how some of these life forms are used by humans as food.
  2. Students make a comparison graph for spring and neap tides.
  3. Discuss different types of beach deposits.
  4. Take a field trip to an ocean, lake, or river to demonstrate some of the features discussed in this lesson on a much larger and more realistic scale.
  5. Include a lesson on the biological characteristics (flora and fauna) of each environment described.

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Caribbean Cruisers - developed by Sara Bork, Carrie Kriescher, Candice Murphy, & Melissa Randall

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