Rubric C - Ocean Floor
Continental Margin Models
A. Models are well constructed.
4 - Models display very durable construction and do not show any
indication of falling apart.
3 - Models display durable construction and do not show much
indication of falling apart in the near future.
2 - Models display somewhat durable construction and indicate that
they may fall apart in the near future.
1 - Models do not display durable construction and appear as if
they will fall apart in the very near future.
B. Models accurately portray a continental margin.
4 - Demonstrates a highly detailed and accurate representation of
a continental margin.
3 - Demonstrates a detailed and accurate representation of a
continental margin.
2 - Demonstrates a somewhat detailed and somewhat accurate
representation of a continental margin.
1 - Does not demonstrate a detailed and accurate representation of
a continental margin.
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Caribbean Cruisers - developed by Sara Bork, Carrie Kriescher,
Candice Murphy, & Melissa Randall
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