There's No 'I' In Team


  1. Students will think about the concept of a team.
  2. Enhance students' cooperative work in following activity as a team.
  3. Arouse students' enthusiastic interests in the main activity of Maui.


  1. Construction Paper/Markers
  2. Ample classroom space


The time allotment for this activity is approximately 30 minutes. This is meant to be a quick, motivational activity to get students ready for "Aloha Maui Newscast."


  1. Ask students to individually create a concept we based on the keyword: team.

    Example words:

    cooperation trust open-mindedness

    group responsibility acceptance


  2. Share concepts/thoughts/ideas as a class in creating a class-web based on the responses of students.
  3. Teacher should create cards with concepts written on them and place in a box/bowl.
  4. Divide class by counting off by threes. Ask students to group with those of the same number. Each group will pick a card out of the box and pantomime the concept to the entire class. The activity will proceed as a game similar to that of Charades.
    1. In order for a teams' response to be acknowledged, all team members must be standing when leader gives response.
    2. Each team only has one guess per concept pantomimed.
    3. Teams acting concepts out are not allowed to use speech or write words to communicate ideas.
  5. Game will proceed as necessary and points awarded (3 points per correct answer, loss of a point if incorrect) to teams for correct responses. The team with the most points will receive an award (all students will receive some sort of incentive).
  6. Students will be asked to write a brief definition of the word "team."


  1. Teacher observation. Success will be dependent on students' involvement and enthusiastic participation. (Criteria for success - see rubric)
  2. Students will write a definition of what the concept of team means to them. (Criteria for success - see Writing Rubric)

Curricular Strands and Major Concepts:

  1. Language Arts: Use of pantomime to communicate relevant concepts. Enhancement of various forms of communication.
  2. Math: Utilization of point system.
  3. Social Studies: Small group interaction, need for social concepts (i.e. cooperation).

Possible Extensions:

  1. Working on a ropes course to enhance concept/importance of teamwork.
  2. Create a class definition of team to be referred to in various class activities.

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