- Recreational activities
- Water temperatures
- Current events on the island
- Historical relevance/events
Based on the fact that each group will spend two days on each island, this particular lesson will take approximately 6 hours. This time will be divided as such;
Day One: 3.5 hours
Day Two: 2.5 hours
Day One:
Role Responsibility Code
Source Hunter Check all resources available to obtain #1
required information for team topic.
Recorder Will organize all information obtained as #2
well as record any resources utilized by team
in their research.
Props Artist Will prepare or create any props necessary #3
for team's segment during newscast.
Floater Will "float" from team member to team member #4
assisting with various projects. Offering help to
those who need it, etc .**The five students who
receive this role will be the five general reporters
for the final newscast (leading into each of their
team segments).
Reporter Will be in charge of organizing final materials to #5
be presented in news segment as well as presenting
orally during delegated segment of newscast.
Group Theme
1 (days 1&2) Volcanoes
2 (days 3&4) Whaling
3 (days 5&6) Tourism/Recreation
4 (days 7&8) Marine Life/Fishing
Group Topic Responsibility Code
1 Weather Check/Outlook Marshall all relevant resources Red
available regarding daily weather outlooks.
2 Water Temp./Conditions Locate information regarding
current water temperatures and conditions Blue
for multiple waterrecreational activities.
3 Current Events Marshall all possible resources to locate
current events and choose those relevant Yellow
to theme.
4 History (i.e. On this day in..) Locate any relevant
historical events Orange
related to theme.
5 Commercials/Advertisement Responsible for creating two
commercials/advertisements. (Can be Purple
actual products/services or self-created)
Day Two:
**If some students' team tasks are completed prior ro the one hour time slot these students can begin ste-up of props/video equipment/etc.
- Opening
- Segment One -- Current Events Team - 3
1. Introduction -- "Floater-3"
2. News -- "Reporter-3"
3. Reading of Mission Statement
**This will be done by a "team-selected" individual.**- Segment Two -- Weather Check/Outlook - 1
1.Introduction -- "Floater-1"
2. News -- "Reporter-1"
3. Reading of Mission Statement
- Segment Three -- Commercial/Advertisement - 5
This segment does not require the same structure -- but all team members are to take part in at least on of the two commercials.
Commercial I.
1.Introduction/lead in (i.e. "And now a word from our sponsors ..") -- "Floater-5"
2. Advertisement
3. Reading of the Mission Statement
- Segment Four -- History - 4
1. Introduction -- "Floater-4"
2. News -- "Reporter-4"
3. Reading of Mission Statement
- Segment Five - Water Temperatures/Conditions/Recreational Report - 2
1. Introduction -- "Floater-2"
2. News -- "Reporter-3"
3. Reading of Mission Statement
VII. Segment Six -- Commercial/Advertisement
Commercial II:
1. Introduction/lead -- "Floater - 5"
- 2. Advertisement
VIII. Closing
Curricular Strands and Major Concepts:
Possible Extensions:
Go to There's No "I" in Team
Go to Schedule of Lessons