Aloha Maui Newscast


  1. Expand students' knowledge of the island of Maui through cooperative work efforts.
  2. Use research and organizational skills in compiling and preparing of relevant materials.
  3. Use classroom/school resources, decisiveness, critical thinking and creativity to produce newscast segments.
  4. Work effectively with others to create a comfortable working environment.
  5. Give students the opportunity to become independent learners by offering an alternative approach in presenting/sharing information.


  1. Internet access.
  2. Use of video camera.
  3. General information on the island of Maui. Related to Internet sites include but are not limited to; and . Each site offers a variety of related links which contain ample information to get started. By accessing both/wither of these sites students will be able to obtain information through related links regarding the following:
    1. Recreational activities
    2. Water temperatures
    3. Current events on the island
    4. Historical relevance/events
  4. Current information regarding weather on the island. See the Internet site: . This site will offer a moth-to-month listing of usual weather temperatures -- related links are available from this site which allow one to find current temperatures for various Hawaiian regions.
  5. Information regarding volcanoes and volcanic activity. See the Internet site(s): and/or
  6. General classroom/school resources, i.e. encyclopedias, newspapers, etc.
  7. Video clip of a local newscast (appox. 15 minutes).


Based on the fact that each group will spend two days on each island, this particular lesson will take approximately 6 hours. This time will be divided as such;

Day One: 3.5 hours

Day Two: 2.5 hours


Day One:

  1. Immediately following the introduction activity show students a 15 minute newscast video clip (local news).
  2. Brainstorm: create a class-generated concept map based on the key word: newscast. This should arouse thoughts regarding the components necessary to create a newscast. (Side coaching: What types of things did we see in the newscast? What were some of the different segments presented? How do you think the reporters found this information? Etc.)
  3. Divide students into research teams -- five teams of five students each. (This will be decided by the number/color coded card the students received upon entering the classroom of Maui.) *Note* Two of the card (not Reporter) should be specially marked - of the two who receive these cards one will be responsible for an opening to the newscast, the other for the closing to the newscast. Students are encouraged to name their individual research teams appropriately.
  4. Each team member will take on a particular role along with a specified responsibility. (Students are encouraged to trade roles if desired as long as the differences are worked out by teams.) These roles and responsibilities are as follows:

    Role Responsibility Code

    Source Hunter Check all resources available to obtain #1

    required information for team topic.


    Recorder Will organize all information obtained as #2

    well as record any resources utilized by team

    in their research.



    Props Artist Will prepare or create any props necessary #3

    for team's segment during newscast.



    Floater Will "float" from team member to team member #4

    assisting with various projects. Offering help to

    those who need it, etc….**The five students who

    receive this role will be the five general reporters

    for the final newscast (leading into each of their

    team segments).


    Reporter Will be in charge of organizing final materials to #5

    be presented in news segment as well as presenting

    orally during delegated segment of newscast.


  5. Each team is responsible for preparing a 5 minute segment on an assigned topic and must focus under and assigned theme throughout the newscast (Each different group of 25 students will work under a different theme). Such is structured as follows:

    Group Theme

    1 (days 1&2) Volcanoes

    2 (days 3&4) Whaling

    3 (days 5&6) Tourism/Recreation

    4 (days 7&8) Marine Life/Fishing


    Group Topic Responsibility Code

    1 Weather Check/Outlook Marshall all relevant resources Red
    available regarding daily weather outlooks.

    2 Water Temp./Conditions Locate information regarding daily/
    current water temperatures and conditions Blue
    for multiple waterrecreational activities.

    3 Current Events Marshall all possible resources to locate
    current events and choose those relevant Yellow
    to theme.

    4 History (i.e. On this day in..) Locate any relevant historical events Orange
    related to theme.

    5 Commercials/Advertisement Responsible for creating two original
    commercials/advertisements. (Can be Purple
    actual products/services or self-created)

  6. Once teams have organized, and explanations of roles/tream responsibilities are complete, each team must begin by creating a mission statement which will clearly define the purpose of their group efforts and philosophy of teamwork.
  7. The remainder of the four-hour block is research team preparation time. Team members are to utilize this time tot fulfill both their individual and group responsibilities. Students are encouraged to go to the library, computer lab, etc. They are not restrained to the resources or space of the "Maui" classroom.


    Day Two:

    1. Allow the first few minutes of class to recap and answer any common questions. The first hour of today's session will be final preperation time for all teams. By the end of this time all teams should have prepared: Team Mission Statement, organization and delegation of tasks for 5 minute segment, opening/closing of newscast and props complete.

      **If some students' team tasks are completed prior ro the one hour time slot these students can begin ste-up of props/video equipment/etc.

    2. The teacher will now bring the entire class of 25 back together, they should remain sitting with their research teams. At this time the teacher will explain the itinerary for the remainder of the newscast lesson (should have a visual aid/handout of newscast structure for students) -- the structure is as follows:
      1. Opening
      2. Segment One -- Current Events Team - 3

        1. Introduction -- "Floater-3"

        2. News -- "Reporter-3"

        3. Reading of Mission Statement
        **This will be done by a "team-selected" individual.**

      3. Segment Two -- Weather Check/Outlook - 1

        1.Introduction -- "Floater-1"

        2. News -- "Reporter-1"

        3. Reading of Mission Statement

      4. Segment Three -- Commercial/Advertisement - 5

        This segment does not require the same structure -- but all team members are to take part in at least on of the two commercials.

        Commercial I.

        1.Introduction/lead in (i.e. "And now a word from our sponsors …..") -- "Floater-5"

        2. Advertisement

        3. Reading of the Mission Statement

      5. Segment Four -- History - 4

        1. Introduction -- "Floater-4"

        2. News -- "Reporter-4"

        3. Reading of Mission Statement

      6. Segment Five - Water Temperatures/Conditions/Recreational Report - 2

        1. Introduction -- "Floater-2"

        2. News -- "Reporter-3"

        3. Reading of Mission Statement

        VII. Segment Six -- Commercial/Advertisement

        Commercial II:

        1. Introduction/lead -- "Floater - 5"

        1. 2. Advertisement
        VIII. Closing


    3. Organize a run-through of the newscast (not video-taped). During this time any students not directly involved in the newscast will first be filling out peer evaluation forms, putting finishing touches on any work, and utilizing any extra time by reading silently.
    4. Video tape "Aloha Maui" newscast. **Note: this is a LIVE newscast, remind students of this prior to taping (the tape will not be edited). Also, tape will be viewed by all 100 students during the last day of A.L.O.H.A. unit.



      1. Each team must turn in a mission statement (Criteria for success=see rubric).
      2. Each group will submit a group self-evaluation form.
      3. Teacher observation (Criteria for success=see rubric).


        Curricular Strands and Major Concepts:

        1. Language Arts: Use of research, speaking, and writing skills.
        2. Social Studies: Exploring the impact of geographic location on a culture, current events and historical aspects.
        3. Art: Relating art to a common theme, creating props for various aspects of the newscast.
        4. Math: Use of calculating and measurements.
        5. Science: Weather reports and scientific hypothesizing/reseasrch.


          Possible Extensions:

          1. Bring in a local newscaster/reporter as a guest speaker.
          2. Create a company of products/service endorsed in commercials
          3. Take a small concept of classroom newscast and expand into a school-wide newscast focusing on school or community issues.
          4. Reflection/Self Assessment Activity

    Go to There's No "I" in Team

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