How Does the Ocean Change Our Coastline?


1. Students will learn how ocean waves work to erode coastline soils.

2. Through the paragraphs they create, students will display their understand of how vulnerable

Oahu is because of the ocean. Furthermore, students should realize that one day all the

Hawaiian islands may disappear because the ocean is eating away at the soil.


1. See Handout (Teacher must prepare for this experiment days before class time.)


Approximately one hour


1. The teacher will randomly divide the students into 4 groups. Each group will receive the name

of a different type of type of wave.

2. The students will be given the attached handout as a guide so that they are sure to address

certain questions.

3. After the teacher demonstrates what they need to do, the students are then free to experiment for

themselves. While performing the experiment, the students should be reminded to see if they

can come up with any of the answers to the questions on the handout.

4. After the students have had an adequate amount of time performing the experiment, the class

will reassemble and talk about what the students have discovered. During this time, the teacher

may also demonstrate various ways to divert some of the direct impact of the waves upon the

island shores.

5. Students will then be asked to write a paragraph on ways to save Oahu from soil erosion.


1. Class discussion (Criteria for Success = The class as a whole must be able to answer all of the

questions addressed on the handout.)

2. After the discussion, students will be asked to write a paragraph on the ways to prevent

erosion. This paragraph should be entitled "Ways to Save Oahu from Soil Erosion." The

paragraph will be assessed by the writing rubric. (Criteria for Success = No more than 5

grammatical errors.)

Curricular Strands and Major Concepts:

1. Language Arts - Correct grammar, wording, etc. on the written paragraphs.

2. Science - Waves, soil erosion and prevention, experimentation.

Possible Extensions:

1. Students may construct barriers to place in the water to shield the land from the impact of the



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