Lesson 1:Walloping Whales
Lesson 2: Whale Word Problems
Lesson 3: Real Live Whale
Lesson 4: Mammal Collage
Lesson 5: "Jeopardy"
Lesson 6: Chemical and Water Pollution
Lesson 7: Oil Spill Simulation
Lesson 8: Introduction to Reading Literature
Lesson 9: Whale Speak
Lesson 10: Right Whales
Lesson 11: National Geographic Articles
Lesson 12: Greenpeace Internet Search
Lesson 13: Marine Biodiversity
Lesson 14: Whales in Captivity
Lesson 15: Whales in Captivity Debate
Lesson 16: Create a Habitat
Lesson 17: Adopt A Whale
Lesson 18: Writer's Workshop
Lesson 19: Shedd Aquarium Field Trip
Lesson 20: Whaling Debate
*** Note: This is the order suggeted by the creators, there are no divisions by day, due to the limited time, the user may perform lessons as they desire.***
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