Part 1: Importance of CPR


  1. For the students to be able to calculate heartbeats per minute.
  2. For the students to know importance of CPR.
  3. For the students to be certified to perform CPR.
  1. Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). Preferably fire fighters and/or police officers. (They will provide necessary CPR training materials such as "Annie" and "Choking Charlie"). * try to get enough EMTs to break up kids into small groups for training (10 - 15)
  2. Biological posters illustrating respiratory system and circulatory system
  3. Chalkboard/chalk
Time Frame: Approximately 6 hours. (1 1/2 - 2 hours to introduce topic and coverbiology; 4 hours to complete CPR certification [adult, child, and infant], includingdemonstration, practice, and test in each area).


EMTs Arrive Assessment:
  1. The students accurately calculate heartbeats per minute. (Criteria for success = each student accurately calculates partner's heartbeat. Teacher asks each student for an answer, and how he/she calculated to find the answer).
  2. The students demonstrate the importance of CPR. (Criteria for success = discussion of different emergency situations in which the students come up with X# of reasons CPR is an important procedure to know.
  3. The students become certified in CPR. (Criteria for success = certification card signed by licensed CPR instructor, i.e. one of the EMTs).
Possible Extensions:
  1. Class trip to fire station or emergency room to learn more about life-saving and life- saving equipment.
  2. Act out skits to demonstrate proper techniques, such as checking vital signs and determining what kind of help a person might need.
Curricular Connections:
  1. Language Arts - Discussions, listening skills, following directions, question/answer.
  2. Math - Calculating a person's heartbeat per minute rate
  3. Science - Biology--learning functions of circulatory and respiratory systems

Go To "Survival on Land" Part 1: Understanding Aspects of Survival on Land

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Survival developed by: David Didier, Justin Brandt, Travis Glandt, and Steve Raethz for the St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program