Survival on Land
For students to provide feedback on survival unit.
Student opinions
Time Frame: 1/2 to 1 hour
1. Remind students of the many things we have covered in the last
two weeks.
ie. - Survival on a ship, survival in the water, map-making, CPR, etc.
2. Ask for their feedback on survival unit:
- Did you enjoy the lessons?
- What was your favorite part? least favorite part?
- Should we use this lesson for next year's class?
- other questions as necessary
3. Let students express their opinions, stressing that what they say will
not affect their grade.
4. Use their feedback as a reflective guide in thinking about future
Students provide honest feedback about survival unit. (Criteria for success
= a solid class discussion in which X# of points are covered.
Possible Extensions:
Students write about likes/ dislikes.
Students fill out a class rating sheet.
Curricular Connections:
Language Arts - Group discussion, question/ answer.
History/Social Studies - Students use their experiences to make decisions
about the future.
Go Back To "Survival on Land" Part 1: Understanding
Aspects of Survival on Land
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Survival developed by: David Didier, Justin Brandt, Travis Glandt,
and Steve Raethz for the St. Norbert College
Ocean Voyagers Program