Field Trip To Maritime Museum


1. Students will receive first hand knowledge of ships and their history.


1. A maritime museum. Check the internet site for a listing of museums that may be near you.

2. Any resources the museum would be able to give you to prepare for this visit.


This lesson requires 4-8 hours depending on the distance needed to travel and the museum tour schedule.


Introduction: Students will visit a site with primary sources available for inquiry.

Step 1 In preparation for the trip a discussion should be held on what the students think they will find at the museum, what they hope to learn there and maybe have a hand out of questions that the students could look for answers to while on the tour. (If the museum has this available or if you have been to the museum a head of time.)

Step 2 The next day have students write about what they learned from the trip in their journal.


1. Journal (Criteria for success = see journal rubric)

2. If there was a sheet of questions given to you by the museum have the students hand in. (Criteria for success = X number are completed.)

Curricular Strands and Major Concepts:

1. Social Studies - History of ships and social interaction and behavior.

2. Language arts - Writing in journal.

Possible Extensions:

1. Write reports on what they learned.

2. Build a museum for your classroom.

3. This lesson is vague do to the discrepancies that would arise in the location and type of museum the class is attending.

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