Topic: Dramatic Presentations

Lesson #13


Grade Level: 6,7,8


*The students will present their dramatic plays to their classmates

*The students will learn to use their public speaking skills


*Whatever the individual groups need for their plays

*Copies of the rubrics for the groups

Content Areas:

*Language Arts




*Literature--Grandfather's Journey

*Drama--Students plays

*Communication skills


1. The students will be given an hour and a half to put final touches on their props and rehearse their plays as well as to finish typing their scripts to turn in. The students will be reminded that their scripts will be looked and taken into consideration for the final grade. So, therefore, the students should proofread their scripts and make sure there are no grammatical or punctuation errors in their script.

2. The students will present their play to the class. Before they begin, the group needs to hand a copy of their script to the teacher and the group that is evaluating them.

Evaluation: Students will be evaluated based on the dramatic presentation rubric. The group that is presenting will be evaluated by the group of their peers that presented before they did. The students and the teacher will use the rubric to assess the dramatic presentation. The two grades will be averaged together for a cumulative grade that will be recorded.

Approximate Time: 2.5 hours (1.5 hours--work time, 1 hour--presentations)


-Instead of presenting in front of the class, the students could use a video camera and tape their play adding interesting graphics and music to make the play even more exciting and entertaining.

Teacher's Notes: The rubric that is attached can be used or you may use some other form of assessment. Although, when using the rubric you must specify the criteria for a successful performance from the students. For example, student must have all 3s and 4s for an A, etc.

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