Producing an Ocean Pollution Video


1. Students will work effectively with each other to produce an informational video.

2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of previous ocean pollution lesson plans.


1. All Internet sites used in Ocean Pollution lesson plans.

2. Production Equipment.

a. Video camera

b. Tripod

c. Videotape

3. Prop Materials.

a. Bedding sheets for background

b. Tagboard

c. Markers

d. Paint

e. Tape

f. Glue

g. Scissors

h. Magazines, newspapers, etc.


Approximately 4 hours. It will take about 3 hours for the students to build props and create the text for their video. It will take about 1 hour for each group to present their video.


Step 1 - Divide class into teams of 4 or 5.

Step 2 - Give each team an "Ocean Pollution Video Assessment Form."

Step 3 - Provide the class time to research, write the text, and build props for their video.

Step 4 - Tape each team's video once it has been completed.

Step 5 - Each team will provide a brief introduction to their video before showing it to the class. For example, how they came up with the video idea, where they researched for the text, etc.

Step 6 - Students will submit a completed "Ocean Pollution Video Assessment Form."


1. Each student will complete an "Ocean Pollution Video Assessment Form" to evaluate their team's video. This will be evaluated on completion with positive, narrative feedback. Possible points of improvement will also be noted in the feedback.

2. Completed video.

Curricular Strands and Major Concepts:

1. Language Arts- writing, critical thinking, collaborative work, information processing.

2. Mathematics- measuring, estimating, calculating.

3. Science- hypothesizing, context of video.

4. Social Studies- world applications, sociology.

Possible Extensions:

1. Have the class show their ocean pollution video to the entire school to create awareness.

2. Each team must submit their video to an ocean pollution foundation.

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