The Impact of Oil Spills on Our Oceans


1. Students will discover the negative effects that oil spills have on our oceans through research

and critical thinking.


1. Internet access to sites such as:

a. Morris Environmental, Inc. WWW Site

Many links to Oil Spills Response and Support (1K) <2-- Docid: 145495 ‡

b. Companies: Environment

Many links to environmental issues (8K) <3-

Docid: 545969-->

c. Yahoo - Business and Economy: Companies: Environnent

Pollution and Oil removal systems many sites but lots of maps and photos on oil spills (10K) <3-- Docid: 201316-->


Not many sites but lost of maps and photos on oil spills (7K) <4-- Docid: 364300 -->

e. IITF CAT - Environmental Monitoring

Not many sites but lots of maps and photos on oils spills (49K) <5-- Docid:

458037 -->

f. Post Script

Instruments used to detect oil spills (Exxon Valdez) Many links! (3K) <6-- Docid: 460007 -->

g. Center for Marine Environmental Initiatives

Russian Arctic Oil Pipeline spill Animals and Oil spills (14K) <7- Docid: 139187 -->

h. Our Sea, Our Future: Major findings of the State of the Marine Environment

Environmental Issues (l K) <9- Docid: 342468 -->

i. Discovery Place Oil & Gas Business Index

State of the Marine Environmental Report for Australia (1K) <10-- Docid: 228325>

j. South America

Business listing of environmental Companies

--- [559] (3K) <11-

Docid: 95785 -->

k. Alaskan Wilderness Outfitting Company Inc.

About Ice movement ,

--- [556] (6K3 <15-- Docid: 331677 -->

1. Petroleum Page

Environmental Issues Many Links!
--- [555] (22K) <18- Docid: 224612 -->

m. News Page Index

Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

--- [555] (111 K) <19-

Docid: 132362 -->

n. American Oilfield Divers, Inc.

Commercial Diving Services . Since 1981, diving services have been the core of
American Oilfield Divers' (AOD) business. The company's success and rapid rise to the forefront of the field is largely due to its ability to satisfy ...

--- [570] (12K) <21-- Docid: 156591 -->

o. Campaign: Ken Saro Wiwa

The Campaign to Save Ken Saro Wiwa . Ken Saro Wiwa is a Nigerian author, and the leader of a minority ethnic group in Nigeria called the Ogoni. He is currently on trial due to his actions in leading the protest against the exploitation of Ogoni {5K) <22-- Docid: 252568 -->

p. collection: SAR Special Acquisitions

User: www-anonymous . SAR Special Acquisitions . Quite often special events such as - earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, oil spills etc. make it necessary to change the acquisition planning of the ERS-1 SAR instrument at very short

--- [569] (1K) <23-- Docid: 288361>

q. The Risks Digest Volume 9: Issue 1

Exxon Valdez must see!

--- [569] (22K) <25-- Docid: 483687 -->

r. California Tidelands Oil Royalties

Royalties on California Tideland Oil (9K) <26- Docid: 323049 --> International Oceanographic

Foundation Cool! (14K) <28-- Docid: 222718>

s. ~IM Table of Contents

Environmental Issues and recent news

--- [562] (3K) <30-- Docid: 367036 -->

t. Mother Jones MJ94: Goo gobblers

Goo gobblers - recent technology on oil spills cleanup Excellent!

--- [595] (4K)

<32- Docid: 69395 -->

u. forms.html Questionnaire --- [589] (2K) <34--Docid: 165031-->


A microbe that eats oil!

--- [585] (3K) <35-- Docid: 346359 -->

w. Latin American Oil

Pipeline spills. Lots of links.

--- [582] (1K) <37- Docid:

394838 -->

x. Response to Environmental Emergencies

World Conservation monitoring center "environmental emergencies"
--- [581] (2K) <38-- Docid: 46309 -->

y. EPA Region 10 - Oil and Hazardous Waste Response

A Little about oil, more about other environmental issues
--- [577] (2K) <39-- Docid: 342849 -->

z. CSFM Oil/Pipeline Safety

Pipeline safety division

--- [576] (3K)

aa. Oil Spill Research and Development Program

The animals of the Exxon oil spill. Many Links

--- [633] http://www.lib.lsu.edulosradp/osradp.html (1K)

bb. Oil Spill Public Information Center

The OSPIC began construction of this Home Page in April 1995. The goal of this

Library is to provide information about the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.

--- [626] (1K) <42-- Docid: 94593 -->

cc. Ocean Pollution Research Center

The Ocean Pollution Research Center (OPRC) methodologies, and technologies.

--- [619] (4K)

dd. Steinlanguage

Rick Steiner, thrust into the spotlight by the Exxon Valdez oil spill, speaks for a new environmental consciousness.
Photograph after photograph in the many news stories about Rick Steiner.

--- [617] (9K) <44- Docid:

471507 -->

ee. Oil Spill Response

Oil online. Morris Environmental Inc, Oil spill Public Information Center.

--- [617] (SK) <45-- Docid: 353295 -->

ff. ORCA Organization

Oil cleanup. Lots of pictures must see.

--- [607] (30K) <48-- Docid:

342344 -->

gg. Breco Innovation Inc

Bird protection from oil

--- [605] (SK)

2. Library curriculum

3. Materials

a. "Investigating Oil Spills" worksheet

b. Paper

c. Pens/Pencils

d. Overhead Projector

e. Large wall-sized map

f. Poster Board

g. Markers

h. Various other materials, as needed


Depending on availability of resources and the motivation of the students, this activity could serve over a period of days. (Research [2-3 hours]; Preparation time [1-2 hours]; Presentation time [1-1.5 hours]).


Step 1 - Explain to students that we will be discussing oil spills and how they effect the purity of our oceans.

Step 2 - Divide class into five teams. Have each team research one famous oil spill.

Step 3 - Pass out a copy of "Investigating Oil Spills" to each student. Encourage students to answer the questions. Make clear that they are not limited to just these questions. Allow the students sufficient time to work together with their team and collaborate an array of information about their oil spill to the class. Tell students that they will be giving a ten to fifteen presentation on the information they has yet to find. In addition, they will write a minimum of one page type-written paper.

Step 4 - After researching is complete, allow teams to present their discovered information. Encourage each team to identify on the large map where the oil spill that they researched occurred. Have the students place a flag on the map which declares the name, place, and "reason" for the occurrence of their oil spill.

Step 5 - After teams have presented their information, create a class discussion. What were some similarities and differences between the discussed oil spills? Which oceans did they occur in? What were the least and largest amount of oil spilled? What tactics did they use to clean up the oil spills? Which tactics were least effective? Which tactics turned out to be most effective? What are they presently doing to prevent oil spills?


1. Each team must submit the answers to "Investigating Oil Spills." This worksheet will be assessed in accordance with "The Impact of Oil Spills on Our Oceans: Assessment Rubric."

2. Each team must submit a minimum of a one type-written paper supporting other ideas and facts that they encountered in their research. The paper will be assessed in accordance with "The Impact of Oil Spills on Our Oceans: Assessment/Rubric."

3. Each team must complete a ten to fifteen minute presentation illustrating the facts they encountered during their research period. Each team will be assessed, as well as assess themselves in accordance with "The Impact of Oil Spills on Our Oceans: Assessment/Rubric. "

4. Each team member must submit "The Impact of Oil Spills on Our Oceans: Self Assessment" which describes their own contributions for providing a team effort. Assessment will be evaluated on a "complete" or "incomplete" basis. Be certain to provide informational feedback.

Curricular Strands and Major Concepts:

1. Language Arts- verbal communication, writing skills, collaborative worker, information processing.

2. Science- research skills, critical thinking.

3. Social Studies- history, geography.

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