Student Name ___________________________________

Group Contribution Scoring Sheet

Each member of the group will receive a group contribution grade based on a ten-point scale. For each of the items checked, the student will receive one point.

_____ Student contributes equally to the group planning and discussion.

_____ Student uses appropriate methods of communication with other group members.

_____ Student is cooperative when dealing with other members of the group.

_____ Student works with other group members towards a common goal.

_____ Student is open and supportive of the other members' ideas and efforts.

_____ Student demonstrates a positive outlook and attitude when working with the group.

_____ Student demonstrates a clear understanding of his/her role within the group.

_____ Student is accepting and open to other students' constructive criticism and is able to thoughtfully critique other group members as well.

_____ Student accepts responsibility and accountability for all of his/her actions and decisions.

_____ Student does his/her part to ensure that all group meetings are conducted in an orderly manner.


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Coral Reefs - developed by Kristen Treadway, Jenny Mavis, T. J. Beck, & Jim O'Keefe

This page submitted by the St. Norbert College Ocean Voyager Program