Part 5:  Storms of the Seas

1.  Understand the different types of storms of the seas.
2.  Be able to function in a group.
3.  Be able to understand and produce a concept map.

web site:
Danielson et al.  Earth Science.  Macmillian Publishing Co.:  New York, 1989.


1.5 Hours

1.  Briefly discuss with the class each storm on the list:
   -storm surges
2.  Have students work in groups of three of four.  Each group will make their own concept map (brainstorming).  The
    group may concentrate on one storm and its' components or the group may concentrate on the similarities between
    different storms.  Stress creativity.
3. After 20-30 minutes, let each group give a small report on their map and why they chose that particular method.
4. Display the maps around the room.

Major Concepts
1.  Science - Storm terminology

1.  Completion of the group activity.  Group member will fill out an evaluation of their other members' input. 
    Criteria for success:  creativity of concept map and correctness.

1.  Discuss storms on record that have had a major impact on societies.  (Great Britain, The Great Storm 1987)

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Submitted By St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program