Part 2:  Wind
1.  Understand cause and effects, how they correlate.
2.  Know what a monsoon is and how it relates to African culture. 

Danielson et al.  Earth Science.  Macmillian Publishing Co.:  New York, 1989.
Davidson, Basil.  Africa in History.


overhead projector blue and red pens
transparency of Africa and India map hand out on definitions
blank transparencies

2 Hours

1.  Hand out definition notes.
2.  Discuss convection and convection cells using a cause and effect model to explain wind direction.
    --temperature differences are needed for air to move by convection.
      Write cause and effects using convection, air and land breezes, and other models that the
      class comes up with on a transparency.
3.  On the over head projector, diagram sea breezes and land breezes using the red and blue pens.
    --the name of the breeze indicates where the breeze comes from.
4.  A much larger version of the pattern is a monsoon.  Discuss what a monsoon is and where it is located by using the
5.  Discuss how the monsoon was utilized during trade between Africa and India.  Using the red and blue pens, draw
   arrows of the trade network on the map.
      Red--India to Africa (November to March)
      Blue-- Africa to India (April to October)
      Discuss how the voyage takes two to three months, then three months for trading.  Point out that without the
      winds, trade (shipping) would be nearly impossible.  People trade in India for three months because they have to
      wait for the wind direction to change.
6.  Continue discussing who was involved in the trade and what was traded.  Why did trade develop so soon?
    --Monsoons, trade developed 180 C.E. and ended in 1500 (Portuguese took over)
    --Discuss why we know this today
7.  What effects did trade have on East Africa?
     --intercontinental trading network
     --long distance trade stimulated political development
     --mixture of Asian and Arabian
     --main ethnic group of East African coast (1200-1500)

1.  Answer the following questions and turn them in: 
      What would the culture of East Africa be like if trade did not develop?  Would the trade exist without the
      monsoon wind?  How do the monsoons affect trade?  Criteria for success:  a short essay on the questions
      answering these questions.  The answers should tie in with the goals of this lesson.

Major concepts
1.  Science - Weather terms
2.  Social studies - Historical and cultural information on Indian Ocean Trade Network

1.  Discuss how culture in India, East Asia, or the Middle East was affected.
2.  Develop a lab exercise to better explain convection and convection cells.

Go To Part 3: Air Pressure and the Barometer

Go Back To S.O.S. Understanding the Weather Conditions on the Seas Page

Submitted By St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program