Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
by Jean Lee Latham
2. To develop written communication skills through journal writing.
3. Handouts with guide questions for each chapter. Questions will be determined by individual teachers.
2. Each morning, students will discuss the previous day's reading assignment. Discussion will take place in small, pre-assigned groups or as a whole class. Guide questions will be provided to keep discussions on track.
3. Following the discussion, students will be given writing time. They will be keeping a "log" or journal of their reading and discussion. Student entries will reflect discussion. Guide questions for reflection will be assigned to students, but they are free to write about other things including their group discussion, questions about the book, or comments about coordinating activities.
4. In the afternoon, students will have silent reading time. If a student does not finish the chapters assigned for the next day during that time, he or she must finish the assigned reading on his/her own before the next discussion period.
5. This procedure will be repeated each day until the book is completed.
2. Students will actively participate in class and small group discussions. Criteria for Success: Students will participate in discussion X# of times. Example: During twenty minutes of class discussion, each student will participate at least once. During twenty minutes of small group discussion, groups will be monitored by the instructor and through peer evaluation, with each student participating 4-6 times. The exact numbers will vary due to the individual teacher. He/She knows best what can be expected from his/her students.
Curricular Strands and Concepts:
Social Studies - historical events, mapping.
Math - navigation, estimation, calculation.
Science - navigation, use of a compass.
Possible Extensions:
2. Discuss in depth the historical background of the period (the late 1700's).
3. Teach the students basic navigation skills and how trade works.
4. Discuss natural occurrences and how they affect the sea.
Sailing into the 19th Century - developed by Angela Hammerlind, Renee Kust,
& Kevin Feyen
This page submitted by St. Norbert Ocean Voyagers Program