CDP lesson on the Galapagos Islands

Ocean Journal


Age Level: Middle School

Time: 30 minutes

Materials: Journals, pencil/pens, markers

Subjects: Language Skills/literary arts

Concepts: Critical thinking


Objective: The journal will allow the students to reflect on the activities that were discussed about the Ocean, the Galapagos Islands, and the books that they are reading during the day. This lesson also improves on their spelling, writing, and memory.


Rational: This lesson plan was created to improve the students memory of the day's activities, and to review the information that was discussed about the book they are presently reading, or the Galapagos Islands.


Procedure: At the end of each day, the students are given some time to reflect on the activities that have taken place over the day concerning the Ocean, the Galapagos Islands, and the books that they are reading during the day. Several questions that could be included are:

-What is the most interesting thing discussed today about the Ocean, the Galapagos Islands, and the books that you are reading during the day?

-What is the least interesting thing that was discussed during the course of the day?

-What events are occurring in your book that could relate it to the ocean?

-Is there something that we did not discuss in class but you would like to? What is that topic and why should we discuss it?

-How can you apply the concepts that we were talking about with either the Ocean, the Galapagos Islands, or the books that you are reading and apply it to your life today?



-Student journals can be assessed through the completion of their journals, and by the effort, which is to be judged by each individual instructor.

-To be successful, students must achieve at least 5 points from the Observation Rubric.