"Cruisin' with Logic"



1. Complete the math handout to practice logical thinking.

2. Work effectively and cooperatively with a partner.


1. Math handout (example problem and homework problems)


Mrs. Muhs, St. Norbert College Math Professor


This lesson will require between 1 hour, 25 minutes and 1 hour, 50 minutes. (Part 1 [1 hour, 5 minutes to 1 hour,20 minutes]; Part 2 [20 minutes to 30 minutes].)



Logical thinking is an important NCTM math standard that adolescents need to practice regularly. This lesson introduces the process of elimination through logical thinking in mathematics.

Part 1:

Step 1- Introduce class to logical thinking math problems by modeling an example problem to them; (see the handout at the end of lesson for both directions and an example problem to use in class).

Step 2- Group students into pairs and distribute the math handout.

Step 3- In partner form, students are to complete and hand in the math handout. Partners need to construct a chart to figure out answers and then explain the logical thinking process that they used to solve the problem.

Part 2:

Step 4- Discuss correct answers and how they were found with the class after sheets have been corrected and handed back. Ask for volunteers to work out problems on the board/overhead to show peers how they logically thought out and solved the problem. Answer any logic questions as necessary.


1. Each set of partners must complete and hand in the math logics handout. (Criteria for success=X number of math logic problems answered correctly. Reasonable criteria %= 80% of logic problems answered correctly.)

2. Teacher and students will make assessment of partner work. (Criteria for success= See Teacher and Student Rubrics for Partner Work.)


1. Math- Logical thinking throughout entire lesson.

2. Language Arts- Reading and critical thinking while completing logical thinking handout.


1. Have students make up their own logical thinking problems similar to the ones on the handout.

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