Assignment p. _____to p. _____
The Role of Summarizer:
Your job is to prepare a brief summary of today's reading.
The other members of your group will be counting on you to give a
quick (one or two minute) statement that conveys the gist, the key
points, the main highlights, the essence of today's reading
assignment. If there are several main ideas or events to
remember, you can use the numbered slots below.
Key Points:
- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Assignment for next meeting p. _____ to p. _____
From Literature Circles: Voice and Choice in the
Student-Centered Classroom by Harvey Daniels.
Back to Literature Circles
Caribbean Cruisers - developed by Sara Bork, Carrie Kriescher,
Candice Murphy, & Melissa Randall
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