Literature Circles: The Cay and Timothy of the Cay


  1. The students will read and discuss The Cay or Timothy of the Cay with other students.
  2. The students will complete Literature Circles role sheets.
  3. The students will map the journeys of Timothy and Phillip.
  4. The students will put the events of the stories on a timeline.
  5. The students will present The Cay or Timothy of the Cay to the class.



  1. Multiple copies of the following (one book for each student):
      Taylor, Theodore. The  Cay.New York: Avon, 1969.
      Taylor, Theodore. Timothy of the  Cay.  New York:  Avon, 1993.
  2. Multiple copies of each of the role sheets.
  3. Multiple copies of the map of the Caribbean and Eastern U.S. (one for each group).
  4. Large pieces of white construction paper (one for each group).
  5. Rulers, pencils, and crayons or colored pencils.
  6. Multiple copies of self evaluation and group evaluation sheets (one for each student).


Description of Literature Circles:


Brief Descriptions of the Books:







  1. Observation of student participation in Literature Circles groups. (Criteria for success = Observation of active listening (eye contact with the speaker and gestures or comments of understanding) and discussion with other group members regarding the book or similar issues during the meeting times.)
  2. Each student will turn in his/her role sheets for each meeting.

    Criteria for success = Evidence of reading the book.

      a) Summarizer - Write a paragraph summarizing the events and list at least three key points about the section of the book.
      b) Illustrator - Draw or write descriptive words depicting a scene during that portion of the book.
      c) Literary Luminary - Locate at least three passages, reason for choosing, and list who will read for that portion of the book.
      d) Discussion Director - Write at least three possible discussion questions or topics that are relevant to that portion of the book.
      e) Creative Connector - Write a paragraph making some connection to the story and list three questions that help make other group members make connections to the story.
  3. Each group will turn in a map showing the journey(s) of Timothy and Phillip. (Criteria for success = Identifiable lines of the two characters that are 85 percent accurate according to the book.)
  4. Each group will turn in a timeline of events. (Criteria for success = The large sheet of white paper needs to have a straight line drawn with time periods in chronological order marked at intervals. The years should have events described next to them coordinating with the book with 85 percent accuracy.)
  5. Each group will present their book to the class. (Criteria for success = Options include: Students will answer each question on the self evaluation rubric and evaluation of group members rubric. They could also give each group a presentation grade and support their choice in a few sentences.)
  6. Evaluation of total participation in Literature Circles. (Criteria for success =Ý Grades derived from teacher observation, group grade, and individual grade. Possible evaluation tool is included.)


Curricular Strands and Major Concepts:

  1. Language Arts: Through discussion in their groups and final presentation, the students will work on communication skills. They will use reading and writing skills to read either The Cay or Timothy of the Cay and fill out the Literature Circles role sheets, self evaluation, and group member evaluations.
  2. Math: Students will solve problems dealing with time, distance, rate, and degrees.
  3. Social Studies: Students will label a map and construct a timeline.


Possible Extensions:

  1. Research the area where Timothy and Phillip traveled.
  2. Make the presentations a contest between the groups with the students being the judges. Candy bars or extra credit could be the reward for winning.
  3. Use other roles for Literature Circles including Word Wizard or Book Finder.
  4. Keep a journal of personal responses regarding the book and Literature Circle groups.
  5. Discuss the books with other classes using the Internet
  6. Use other adventure books: Lessac, Frane. My Little Island. Lippincott, 1984.


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Caribbean Cruisers - developed by Sara Bork, Carrie Kriescher, Candice Murphy, & Melissa Randall


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