Select Hands-On Activity by Subject

This collection of Hands-On Activities covers 5 different subjects: Ocean Physics, Ocean Biology, Ocean Geology, Ocean Chemistry, and Human Impact. One additional category, Inquiry, focuses on the scientific approach.

These activities teach concepts related to waves, currents, motion, density, hurricane formation. The activities have been grouped in five subcategories: BUOYANCY, DENSITY, GRAVITY WAVES, HEAT & TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE. Activities that do not fall under one of these subcategories are listed at the top of the page.
These activities teach concepts related to ecology and physiology, ecosystems, microorganisms, genetic makeup, biochemistry, cell biology, toxicology.
These activities teach concepts related to geologic structure and tectonics, composition and dynamics, seismology, magnetics, paleoceanography.
These activities teach concepts related to ocean acidification, pH, carbon dioxide, coral reefs, mixing.
These activities teach concepts related to climate change, sea level rise, ocean acidification, eutrophication, endocrine disruptors.
These activities teach concepts related to deriving questions, procedure and method design, conducting investigations, collecting and recording data, communicating results.