The Cay
Literature Clues / Ocean Variables / Conclusion

Philip, a young boy from Willemstad, has hopes for making a successful trip to Miami. Now, suddenly, he is a refugee from a shipwreck. Philip becomes dependent on Timothy as they float through the Caribbean Sea aboard a raft, destined for a barren little Caribbean island.

The Task

Philip and Timothy are unsure of their destination as they float on a raft through the Caribbean. Travel on the ocean is not a smooth, straight route due to factors that affect travel. As you read the book, you will travel along with Timothy and Philip. By navigating your way through the clues and resources, you will be able to see where and why Timothy and Philip will reach their destination of the cays. The Internet sites will provide detailed, yet helpful information, and in the end, you will have enjoyed the novel as well as understood ocean processes that affect travel.

"... our cay was so small that the charts wouldn't even dignify it with a name" (142). Philip and Timothy did not know exactly where the cay was located, but Timothy had an idea. By using the clues from the story, attempt to "locate" the cay.

The Cay WebQuest designed by Becky Roth and created by Kate Clauer, both recent alumni of St. Norbert College.
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