What Would You Do?


Description of Plan

__4 Description is well thought out and well written.

__3 Description is lacking a few details but is still written well.

__2 Description is lacking a few details and also has some errors in the writing.

__1 Description is lacking many details and has numerous errors in the writing.


Sensibility of Plan

__4 Plan could feasibly work in reality at stopping the lava flow.

__3 Sensible attempt but chances are it probably not work at stopping the flow.

__2 Could possible slow down the lava flow but not able to stop it.

__1 It is obvious that the never work.



__4 Replica is made with care and made to scale.

__3 Replica is made with care but scale is a little off.

__2 Replica is made with care but completely off scale.

__1 Replica is not made with care and not to scale.


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