Comprehension "Top 5-10" Rubric



4 - All information was accurate, easy to understand and very detailed

3 - Information was accurate and easy to understand

2 - Information was geerally accurate but not always complete

1 - Some information was inaccurate or difficult to comprehend



4 - All main points were covered to summarize the article in list form

3 - General summary was achieved through list

2 - Some main points of article were missed in summary

1 - Summary was not given through the list



4 - Poster rises above expectations - is neat, easy to read, and displays artistic ability

3 - Poster of facts is neat and easy to read

2 - Post is inconsistant as regards to neatness and organization

1 - Poster is very unorganized


Information is printed on poster YES______ NO______

List is numbered YES______ NO______

Group demonstrated comprehension of the article YES______ NO______


Overall the essence of the assignment was achieved YES______ NO______








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