Plate Tectonics Presentation Rubric

Accuracy of Interpretation

__4 Students accurately model the movement of both plates and the results.

__3 Students accurately model the movement of both plates but do not get the result of that movement correct.

__2 Student are close to getting the movement of both plates correct and do not get the result of movement correct.

__1 Students do not correctly model the movement of the plate or the results of it.

Use of Props to Model Movement

__4 Students were resourceful in finding and using props to model the movement of plates (i.e. construction paper, yarn, cardboard, etc.)

__3 Students used some resources to model the movement of plates (i.e. construction paper which had writing on it to describe)

__2 Students used limited resources to model the movement of plates (i.e. just Construction paper was used)

__1 Students used no other resources to model the movement of plates.


__4 All members of the group were actively involved in the modeling of the plate movement.

__3 Most students from the group were involved but there was one student who did not participate.

__2 Only half of the group actively participated in the presentation.

__1 Presentation was basically presented by only one group member.


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