Submarine Volcano Ad Rubric
4 - All information is accurate. Information is detailed, yet still provides variety. Information is very easy to understand, and includes definitions of any unfamiliar words.
3 - Information is accurate. An apporpriate amount of information is present covering enough breadth and depth. Information is also easy to understand.
2 - Present information is accurate, but some information is missing. Information is fairly easy to understand.
1 - Inaccuracy in present information. Neither breadth nor depth of facts can be seen. Passages are difficult to understand.
Advertising Creativity
4 - Combines more than one principle of advertising. Ad demonstrates great creativity.
3 - Demonstrates knowledge of principles of advertising through a new and appealing ad.
2 - Ad utilizes a method of advertising, but is not new - this concept has been used before.
1 - Ad does not relate to the methods of advertising as discussed in class.
4 - Ad is neat, attractive, and aesthetically pleasing to the viewer.
3 - Overall effect of ad is both neat and attractive.
2 - Ad is either neat or eye catching, but not both.
1 - Ad appears unorganized and dull.
Ad uses a variety of colors (contrasting or complementary) YES_______ NO_______
Ad meets size regulations YES_______ NO_______
Ad is typo-free YES_______ NO_______
Overall, the essence of this assignment was achieved YES_______ NO_______