Rubric for Journals

Reflection and Connections

4 - All entries demonstrate thoughtful reflections and provide examples from class or previous knowledge.

3 - Entries demonstrate thoughtful reflections.

2 - Entries do not connect new and old information.

1 - Adequate time is not spent on journal entries; more thought and connection are needed.

Grammatical Skills

4 - The student has illustrated great grammatical skills.

3 - The journal has one or two grammatical mistakes per entry.

2 - Each entry has three to five grammatical mistakes.

1 - The entries have six to ten grammatical mistakes.

0 - The entries that were done had more then ten grammatical mistakes.

Depth of Coverage

4 - He or she has shown great depth in writing about the assigned topic.

3 - The entries are descriptive but are still lacking complete coverage of the question.

2 - The entries lack depth on the question, but touch on key concepts.

1 - The entries have little quality information in the entry.


Overall, the journal contains appropriate information and demonstrates student effort. YES______ NO______





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