Icelandic Timeline Activity Rubric
Information on Timeline
__4 Has at least 15-20 datesand events that the group felt were important enough to put on.
__3 Has 11-14 dates and events that the group felt were important enough to put on.
__2 Has 8-10 dates and events that the group felt were important enough to put on.
__1 Has less than 8 dates and events that the group felt were important enought ot put on.
Appearance of the Timeline
__ 4 Timeline is visually appealing. Ruler had been used to create the line and information is easily readable.
__3 Timeline is visually appealing but some of the information is unreadable because print is too small or not organized well.
__2 The timeline is either visually unappealing or the information is unreadable.
__1 Timeline is not visually unappealing and the information is unreadable.
__4 Group gives a descriptive and thorough explanation of date, event, and why they felt it was important.
__3 Group gives only a brief explanation of date, event, and why they felt it was important.
__ 2 Group did not completely present all the information (ie excluded why they felt it was important).
__1 Presentation was poor with very little information presented.