Informal Assessment

Rubric for Group Work Observations

These are qualities that we as teachers would look for throughout these activities. Students must demonstrate all or most of the characteristics under each heading. These are general qualities which students may or may not demonstrate at each level. Students would NOT receive a copy of this informal rubric.



Members each did an equal amount of work

Group members always cooperated with each other

Students followed through with work

Students always treated each other with respect

Members of the group got along excellently

All students participated in discussion

Input of all group members was valued



Members carried their weight for the most part

Students generally cooperated with each other

Members generally completed the work

Group members usually treated each other with respect

Most students participated in discussion

Input of some students was valued



Division of work was not equal among group

Group members did not cooperate with each other

Students did not complete the assigned project

Group members did not treat each other with respect

Very little group discussion occurred



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