Friendly Letter Rubric


4 - Letter provides great insight and detail regarding the eruption; very realistic; demonstrates exemplary knowledge of the eruption process through the inclusion of volcanic vocabulary words.

3 - Letter covers an appropriate amount of information; content is realistic; demonstrates general knowledge of the eruption process.

2 - Letter contains an appropriate amount of information; portions are unrealistic.

1 - Letter is missing significant amounts of information regarding the volcano's eruption.


4 - Grammar exceeds expected grade level and is error free; no spelling or punctuation errors.

3 - Grammar is at expected grade level; no spelling errors; proper punctuation throughout the entire letter.

2 - No spelling errors; some portions have awkward grammar; some trouble with punctuation.

1 - Spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors are present. Needs improvement.


4 - Dialogue of letter provides very detailed descriptions of the event in a highly creative manner.

3 - Dialogue of letter is descriptive and demonstrates creative ability.

2 - Dialogue may be descriptive, but is not original or creative.

1 - Letter is lacking detail and creativity.


Letter was written from correct point of view YES_______ NO_______

Letter was written in the friendly letter format YES_______ NO_______

Letter is typo-free YES_______ NO_______


Final draft of letter is complete and ready to enter time capsule

YES______ NO______





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