Eruption Time Line Rubric

Accuracy & Order

4 - Superior accuracy and perfect attention to order of events.

3 - Information is accurate and in basic order.

2 - Project lacks either accuracy or correct order of events.

1 - Project is neither accurate or in correct order.


4 - Provides a detailed account of events and their effects for each date chosen.

3 - Mentions the events and effects for each day.

2 - May have correct event or its effect listed, but both are not present for every day.

1 - Lacks detail in events and their effects of an erupting volcano.

Group Work

4 - Members worked cooperatively in the preparation and presentation of the timeline. All members repected and valued the input of their teammates.

3 - Members shared the workload appropriately.

2 - Most students participated in the planning and creation of the timeline. Team worked fairly well together.

1 - Students did not divide researching or creation roles evenly. Team members did not cooperate or respect each other.


4 - Timeline is neat, easy to read, and user-friendly.

3 - Timeline is readable.

2 - Appearance is highly variable. It may be excellent on some dates, but poor on others.

1 - No attention to appearance was made; project is unreadable.

Students demonstrated proficient knowledge of the timeline concept

YES______ NO______

Students used best available resources for their research YES______ NO______

Overall, the assignment meets or exceeds expectations

YES______ NO_______





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