Volcanologist Debate Rubric

Information and Support

4 - Students demonstrate full understanding of the position they have been assigned and support this position through examples from class experiments.

3 - Students demonstrate a general knowledge for the position they are arguing.

2 - Students can give examples of class experiements, but are unable to see how they connect to their position.

1 - Students do not understand the subject matter at hand - examples are inappropriate for point being argued.


4 - Students are fluent in their position and make smooth transitions from member to member. Members speak clearly and concisely.

3 - Students are able to convey their message. Team shares the floor so that every member receives a chance to speak. Members speak clearly and concisely.

2 - Most of the message is conveyed to the other team, but division of speaking among team members is uneven. At times it is difficult to understand speaker.

1 - Students have trouble getting their point across orally. Speaker is difficult to hear.


4 - Members listen closely when either team is talking, and build off this information in their rebuttals.

3 - Team listens closely while the members of the their team and the other position are speaking.

2 - Team demonstrates inconsistancy in listening to members of their team and the opposing team.

1 - Members of team do not listen and therefore repeat information or examples that have already been stated.

Preparation of debate is evident YES______ NO______

Team's statements seem to flow YES______ NO______

Overall, debate of team's position was effective YES______ NO______








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