Peer evaluation rubric for group presentations and final project

4 - The student worked toward achieving the team goals. The student also promoted positive interaction among all group members. Additionally, the student did an equal amount of the group's work  (i.e. 1/4th for a group of four), and performed, multiple roles within the group.

3 - Demonstrated an effort towards achieving team goals. The student did his/her equal amount of the group's total work. The student interacted with colleagues and contributed some ideas without prompting. Helped identify necessary changes, and successfully performed two roles within the group.

2 - Recognized team goals, and made some effort towards achieving those goals.  Participated in interaction only when prompted by others. Did not perform his/her share of the group's total work. Worked only one role effectively, although there was an effort to perform a second role within the group.

1 - The student does not work toward team goals, and possibly even worked against such  goals. Interaction with colleagues is minimal, if present at all. Was unwilling to attempt to perform more than one role within the group.

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Part 3 - Reflective Essay

Survival developed by David Didier, Justin Brandt, Travis Glandt, and Steve Raethz for the St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program